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Today...what have you been up to? [4] (2 Viewers)

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Think yourselves honoured, I may visit a few forums but this is the only one that I will post to every day without fail, I often just take a quick look around and never say anything in the others most days.

My brain just isn't into tech stuff right now.
Think yourselves honoured, I may visit a few forums but this is the only one that I will post to every day without fail, I often just take a quick look around and never say anything in the others most days.

My brain just isn't into tech stuff right now.

That's because we're your favourites. 😉

Who you calling mixed bag!??

A Guy

I did put we were quite bonkers yesterday but deleted that comment so think yourself lucky! 🤣

Anyway, what's wrong with a mixed bag? I used to love them as a kid. 😁

mixed bag.jpg
Mushrooms and rings were my favourites, they don't have refreshers in that mix, but I remember as a kid you couldn't put the whole thing in your mouth and chew because you'd salivate everywhere. Good times! 🤣
Thank you I needed it today, both I and Kelly were blubbering wrecks. Her eldest was trying to be the tough guy, you know I'm OK, but you could see the tears running down his face. Connor was like us and crying and of course Caia didn't really understand what it was all about.
It was Queen music throughout, we went in to Your My Best Friend then after a short silence it was Love of my Life, then Kelly read out a tribute to her dad but was in pieces and it finished off with Who Wants to Live Forever.

I went back to Kellys after and I'm glad I did as it helped release the tension, got home just after 3 pm and I've just chilled out with the cats since and tomorrow will try to sort out more of his affairs. :crys:
Thank you I needed it today, both I and Kelly were blubbering wrecks. Her eldest was trying to be the tough guy, you know I'm OK, but you could see the tears running down his face. Connor was like us and crying and of course Caia didn't really understand what it was all about.
It was Queen music throughout, we went in to Your My Best Friend then after a short silence it was Love of my Life, then Kelly read out a tribute to her dad but was in pieces and it finished off with Who Wants to Live Forever.

I went back to Kellys after and I'm glad I did as it helped release the tension, got home just after 3 pm and I've just chilled out with the cats since and tomorrow will try to sort out more of his affairs. :crys:
Aww, wow, big hugs.

It sounds like a lovely ceremony, and with the Queen music, I'm not surprised there wasn't a dry eye in sight. I'm sure it did you all the world of good saying your goodbyes and spending some much-needed family time together.
Yes, the family time together was needed for all of us, my eldest son had Face timed me the night before and told me I had to go back to Kelly's and not go home to be on my own. We had Face time again in the early evening so he could check I was ok and he was going to do the same to check on Kelly after.

He'll phone me again in the next couple of days, he's been a tower of strength keeping in touch with me even though John wasn't his dad, his dad is in remission from cancer at the moment.

Right now I've put my Tesco shopping away had a sit down with a cuppa sorted the cats out I will do it bit more sorting out. I got an email from the finance company to say the documents had been passed to the relevant department and they would be getting in touch shortly.
Oh, that's good that he's checking in on you and giving you the support you need. 🙂

Have you got some slots booked for the next few weeks for Tesco and are you still getting your meals delivered?

I hope Willow is following you about today. I'm currently trying to work out where the most annoying whining noise is coming from, I'm not sure if it's my pc or the pipes, but it's not going away, and I can't sit and work with it because it's doing my head in. Argh! 😂
Don't talk to me about slots, for delivery savers they were opening Christmas slots 2 weeks early and they would be open from 7 am this morning. I made sure I was up in time and logged in just before 7 and was met by a picture of Christmas goodies and the message that I was in a queue, they were very busy and we're only allowing a certain number in but please keep the window open and you'd be logged in when space became available, or words to that effect. I was finally logged in over 3 hours later only to find that the best slot I could get nearest to the weekend was the Tuesday, that was with my Priority Slots status.
Theres no way my fresh produce, milk, cream etc. would last until my next weekly shop, I think they deliver New Year Day, not sure about that I'll have to stay up till after midnight over the next couple of days to try and get a Saturday slot is possible. Not happy, I could do without the stress.
I'm trying to have a chill-out day today and not do a thing, apart from feed myself and the cats. I can catch up on my recorded programs during the day.
A lot of the places I need to be in touch with don't work over the weekend so that gives me a break. :eyeroll:
At least you're getting a break; 🙂 I've just finished going through a Business Plan with Han for her Business Studies class. She's had to come up with her own business and fill in the form like she's off to see a Bank Manager, yikes I didn't realise it would take this long. (Over 4 hours!)

As for the Christmas slots oh no, there is nothing worse than waiting all that time only to be told they haven't got what you want available. I think we didn't get one too close either, not only that John keeps banging on about having turkey again and I've told him point blank I want chicken. This comes from a man who only ever ate steak and chips from Christmas dinner!

As for the whining it has stopped, but I still don't know what it's for, I also have two switches that I have no idea what they do. We switched them the other day, and they do nothing. We think one maybe for the lights that we haven't had fitted yet but the other one we're not too sure of...oh no actually I've just thought of another one. 🤣
Well I'll be having chicken as I've been told I'm going to Kelly's for Christmas dinner.
I'll be staying up tonight to see if I can get a Saturday slot, I'll be able to get rid of that Tuesday one then if I do. I'm tired now as the last few months I've not slept well.
I think we'll be skipping Thanksgiving and Christmas here. The virus is running rampant, and after isolating all this time, I don't want to catch it for a get together...not that big a deal as it's often hard to get everyone together, and wouldn't be the first time

Stay safe!

A Guy
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