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Today...what have you been up to? [3] (1 Viewer)

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Happy New Year my lovelies! Bill you can be an honorary girlie any time. ;)
Looking forward to seeing the new creations. Glad to hear you had a good Christmas just the 3 of you at home.

Had a doctors visit today, had just started on another course of antibiotics and he's put me on a course of steroids and water tablets. He's sending the district nurse round on Monday to take bloods then he'll see me in a fortnight. I'm not kidding but trying to work out times to take everything in an orderly fashion. :shock:

Aww Joan, I do hope you feel better soon, I don't think awful weather helps either, have you managed to sort out an orderly fashion for your tablets yet? I dread to think how many tablets you'd have to take, crikey I bet if we shook you you'd rattle.

I'll stick with my Vicks inhaler, it is my famous friend in winter.

I use those as well to make sure my nose is clear, can't afford to have a blocked nose. :(

At the moment it's about 18 a day but over the next 2 days it will drop by 2 because of the dosage of the steroids plus a ventolin inhaler and that Vick stick. ;)
Oh wow, there doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day for you to take all that lot! :eek:

Today the weather has been awful again with all the rain and unfortunately on my travels I witnessed a couple crash straight into the concrete wall on the motorway right in front of me, they lost control of their vehicle and veered straight into the wall. Luckily him and his passenger seemed to be unhurt and managed to exit the vehicle unharmed, they were extremely lucky as their car smashed into the wall both at the front end and then the back! Awful to see but so very lucky that no-one else was involved either!

There's also been flooding again too so we've all been driving extra carefully, I cannot believe how much water can fill a road in the space of a few hours!

Roll on sunshine!
Thank goodness you weren't involved, it must have been frightening to witness.

Lot of wind and water round here as well my drive has standing water but luckily we had another 5 ton of chippings put down outside the kitchen door where the car stands. We lost a lot of protection when the trees were chopped down.

As for the tablets, I've got 2 more days of antibiotics and that drops 3, 1 day of 4 then 2 days of 2 and the steroids go so I'll be down to my normal lot, oh apart from 1 extra which I've been given, the water tablet.

We'll see what the doctor has to say after he gets my blood results, the nurse is supposed to be here tomorrow.
Never mind I'm alive so that's something. :D
I know, I'm just glad I was on my own at the time.

It's been slightly drier today, got up late and then seem to be having one of those days where you have to run round like a lunatic! Managed to get most things done and will be pleased when Han returns to school tomorrow, she's getting ancy now so it's definitely time for her to return to school. Just trying to get all the last minute bits ready before she does and then I can get back to work properly this week.

I do hope your 5 ton of chippings keeps the water at bay, there doesn't seem to be any let up at the moment with the weather, we found water in my new fireplace the other day where it's managed to by pass the balloon that's in there! :rolleyes:

I hope the antibiotics are working for you and am pleased that you are gradually dwindling down on the amount of others you have to take. I hope you blood test come back fine and the nurse takes good care of you. :D

Yes Joan we are extremely pleased that you are in the land of the living and will be so for many years.
Thought the blood taking was going to be today but spoke to the nurse and they aren't coming till Friday, at least I'll be finished with the steroids and antibiotics then.

The original infection hasn't gone completely on the antibiotics I've been on from the doctor, it did on the ones the nurse gave me, ok it came back again but at the time I was taking them I had no symptoms not like this lot. I think they've just helped to make the top half a bit better not the bottom half :rolleyes:

Oh well can't have everything I'll just wait and see what happens, just wish John saw housework as more than just washing the pots and vacuuming about once a week, never mind he did bring me 2 bunches of spray carnations today when he went to get the guinea pig veg. :D

Hope you get that leak sorted out, the builder did ours, just needed sealant round the chimney stack. ;)
Well at least half of you seems ok, we just have to work on the other half now! ;)

Men never see the housework as we do, I have enough trying to get John to keep his office clean let alone the house, he was trying to give me tips the other week about the hoover...I nearly ran him over with it..:p.

John's hopefully going to sort someone out for chimney, apparently it is different to that of our neighbours houses so I'm not sure what kind of fix we need but I'm sure the men in the know will! Lol!
Our new landlord and landlady came round today. We wondered if we'd see them as it was completion day today.

They'd just come from the solicitors, I asked and got the particulars so I could set up the new Standing Order for the rent to them and I cancelled the one to the old landlord.

They said nothing would change and they've got a set of workmen they use if anything needs doing, they seem really nice and I think we're going to be OK now.

We'd got the hoover out when they came round it was in the passage, mind you John started yesterday and didn't do the last bit till nearly teatime. :eek: I mean it's a bungalow you only need about an hour and you can hoover the whole place, well I could when I was capable. :rolleyes:
Ooh that's good news Joan, by what you've said they do sound nice and having workmen on hand well even better.


That's a great way to start the year having everything finalised and sorted, well barring the hoover that is, I think when you feel up to it you may have to give John some lessons on the domesticating. Bless him at least he's trying.

I'm still playing round with all my new software and review stuff at the moment, I've also moved the Ice Cream cupcake cone to the tutorials section now just so I can link my vid and other links too it. Will you just give it the final once over when you get a second. Thanks my dear. ;)
Looking good, you've added a lot more now and it really looks good, just a letter missing, you need an r on the you in this line.

place you buttercream into a piping bag and pipe.

Lol, thank you what is it with me and r's!

@Bill I will be getting into the pirate spirit on my March Workshop, I think I'm just getting ahead of myself. ;)

I've changed the 'you' to 'the' instead now.

Today I've been playing about with some new impression moulds and taking some pictures so I'll be doing some more reviews on these shortly. Hans not impressed with me though as she wanted to help me, she saw the toppers after school and told me off because I'd done them without her. :confused:
I know Bill aren't they! :p

Cold day today, the weather is picking up again brrr! @Bill I would love some of your sunshine right about now! :cool:

Not managed to get anything on my list done today as planned although I have done a few things to get me further on than I was, I have even made another list! Lol, I sound very cryptic although not meaning too ha ha. I have just ordered a batch of new bright colours for my rainbow cupcakes so looking forward to having a play about with those when they arrive.

Joan are you feeling any better today?
In some ways yes in others no, district nurse came about 9.15 this morning to take bloods. I asked her what he was testing for and she said loads of things, and she took 4 phials of blood.

She said she'll come again she's never had one so easy to take blood from. :D
Trust me Bill, those temps are far higher than here and as Joan says that's practically summer weather where we're from so we'll take it any day of the week. So are you all excited for your new recruit tomorrow? Are we allowed to do a little dance yet or is that a bit premature?

Joan it's all going on for you, bad weather, ill health new landlords, floods all about, new hoovers! I hope John is getting to grips with it now. I think you lead a more hectic life than we do. That's nice that's she's happy to extract blood from you but won't give you the low down on what for, can you not be a naughty patient and withhold it until she gives you answers, lol! :D Can you imagine her face, what do you mean I can't take it, ooh that would make me chuckle and you give it so freely no wonder you're her best patient. ;) I do hope you feel better soon. I think even a little sunshine for us would do us the world of good, the temperatures are still dropping here although the sun did peek through today.
The sun peeked through it bit here as well today, it didn't last though before the rain was back and I can hear the wind blowing down the chimney, getting colder here as well. :(

I hope I feel better soon this is one excuse for not doing housework I could do without. :p
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