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  • Hi Angie, thanks, I should check in more :o

    The place is looking great! :D
    I am so disappointed I am 76yrs and bought a Cadburys cake mix. Followed all instructions and placed it in a 160 fan oven for 20 mins came out uncooked? What went wrong please?
    Hello Angie! John said to check up on you to make sure you were working! :p
    Sorry for the late reply Angie, I've had a great birthday and it's still going on over the weekend as my eldest son and my eldest grandson are down.
    We had a barbeque around at my daughters with her two boys, the weather was glorious as well.
    Thanks Angie, got problems with the Notebook so I've had to sort out my log in on my Windows 7 machine. Trouble is I'm not on here as long as it's the other end of the bungalow, I really must go and sort out something to eat I've been messing about all day trying to sort out the Notebook and try to catch up on the forums. :eek:
    Be back later I hope, if not tomorrow. :)
    just nipped in for my gingerbread recipe , got a new cutter so its cookie time .

    site is looking really nice, all kind of yummy mummy , good work. :D
    Angie, you asked how many eggs I used for my Swiss roll. I had a lot, a big coffee cup full so it must be 4 or 5. Same amount of flour, same amount sugar. Honestly, it was quite sweet but OK enough ;)
    "what you listening to while you bake" thread, (joking)
    in my case it would be the kids fighting over who gets to lick the bowl,
    and me telling them to flush it like everyone else :D
    thanks for the friendship request, happily accepted,
    going to thumbs up your site on stumbleupon, 15 million userbase, the folks with baking ticked as interests will eventually stumble upon this site.
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