Well-Known Member
Wishing both of you a Very Happy Anniversary.
I laughed when Wayne told us about the alarms, said hope they didn't keep going off or there'd be trouble and he said that will depend on your cooking.
I told him I don't burn food so that should be OK, my neighbour has an alarm in her hall and she's always setting it off through burning her toast. 
Compared to what it was like before John's foot is looking great, he can walk better now and he's been able to drive, although he can't do too much or it aches and he's supposed to rest it but as he say's you can't sit about all day with your foot up, I mean how are you supposed to go to the loo.
It's Caia's 2nd birthday today, it's not the best time though as Pete's grandma died last week and it's her funeral tomorow and he's one of the pole bearers.

I laughed when Wayne told us about the alarms, said hope they didn't keep going off or there'd be trouble and he said that will depend on your cooking.

Compared to what it was like before John's foot is looking great, he can walk better now and he's been able to drive, although he can't do too much or it aches and he's supposed to rest it but as he say's you can't sit about all day with your foot up, I mean how are you supposed to go to the loo.

It's Caia's 2nd birthday today, it's not the best time though as Pete's grandma died last week and it's her funeral tomorow and he's one of the pole bearers.