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Today...what have you been up to? [4] (1 Viewer)

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Ha ha, I love you two you're funny, I'm definitely all caught up on your goings on! Bill I watched that windy girly video twice, I'm really bad and laughed which i know is naughty but I couldn't help it. :lmao: Some of our new doors actually open outwards. :plead:penmouth: I'm so glad your family are doing ok with all the fires that have been happening of late. :thumbsup:

As for Joan, oh I do love your life, I know it's not funny for you but I'm glad I'm not the only person that stuff happens too! I'm quite happy to be in the club! You should have wrapped the kitchen roll round your boiler mans head, just for the fact he was calling you a liar...bad man, he had no reason to take his bad mood out on you that is very unprofessional. :grrr: I do hope it is all sorted now and you're nice and toastie. :D

The weather at the mo is not bad although we have had some real gales, our skip has finally gone that was a nightmare too as we had really bad storms and twice I went garden hopping into next doors garden to retrieve my rubbish! :scream: I'm sure this happened last time at the other house. Anyway after about 5 calls from 3 different people we finally got the skip removed, however, not before some lady and a man in a van rolled up onto our driveway and wanted to help themselves to all the metal in the skip, John tried to get rid of her but she wouldn't go so I shouted at her and she finally left. I think I have a sterner tone as I shout more lol!

As for the sleepover, it was really good and the girls had fun, we did however, have one casualty as one of her friends didn't feel well and went home early. Overall though the girls had a great time and we dropped some cake off for her friend the next day.

I'm now spending my life cleaning my new kitchen as you can see every trace of bits on the floor, John says he's going to make me a strap for the hoover so I can just throw it over my shoulder, between Han moulting every 5 mins and the bits from the mats to keep the floor clean I spend about every half hour hoovering the bloody thing! Oh and don't get me started on the greasy mitt marks on my glossy cupboards. I think I'm going to ban those two from ever stepping foot in it! Jokes aside though it is beautiful and I am very proud of it, every time I look from the outside in it looks amazing so even though it is hard work it was definitely worth it. There are still a few touch ups here and there to sort but overall we both really like it.

@ Bill, Lol I'm still laughing at you Happy 21st birthday Han.
Hi Angie just caught up with all your posts and left answers as needed. :smiley:

As for my ongoing heating saga, after backwards and forwards on the phone since the end of August and finally talking with the electrical company that should have put the new controls in, according to them I should have been given the option when the system was put in to either keep the old controls or have new ones fitted.
Of course anyone with any sense would say yes I want new ones fitting especially as the old ones didn't work anymore as well as they should, if you got a cut in the electric the display goes blank so you have to get a pin and press the reset hole then set all the controls back to the way you want them, which isn't easy as they are high up so I have to get up on steps to reach them and go through the set up again.
I told them I'd never been given the choice or of course I'd have had them changed, so they were going to speak to the boiler people and phone me back, I told them they'd better not forget or I'd be back on the phone. The boiler people phoned me to say the controls would be changed and I'd get a call the next morning from the electrical firm to arrange a date but it wouldn't be this week. I didn't get the phone call next morning so I phoned them, I was told she wouldn't know till towards the end of the week who she could get to come out and do it next week and she'd phone me back.

Guess what, an electrician turned up today, didn't get a call about it, he was going to change the controls. Happiness didn't last long, when he looked at the ones he had to change apparently a connection that is on the pipework inside the airing cupboard will have to be changed and that has to be done by a plumber so back to the boiler people. I phoned them and handed him the phone so he could explain, he told them it had to be changed as it only worked with that control set and that was obsolete so you couldn't put a new set onto it that wouldn't work.

Anyway I didn't bother phoning anyone today but will give them till tomorrow afternoon to see if they get in touch, if not into battle I go. Watch out for the next chapter. :D:eyeroll:
It's good to be back although I'm not actually feeling that great at the minute. :weary: So last night we had Bonfire Night seeing as the weather was finally dry, we had fireworks, the fire pit going, beef stew, slightly burnt cake! I'll get to that in a minute and a pretty good night. We have a new fire pit now which is quite good although I was scared to death John was going to set the bushes on fire, the fireworks were great, a few of them were loud and bright but some of them were baby ones I think. Once ours were done we managed to watch a few of everyone else's which was quite good once all the lights had gone out.

Bonfire Night (1).jpg

Bonfire Night (3).jpg

Bonfire Night (2).jpg

I hear your pain with the boiler Joan it's like an on going saga, you cannot have one easy job done you have to have 5 people doing what should have been done in the first place. I do hope you resolve it.

As for me my ovens are the bone of contention at the minute, I now have a cake oven and a normal oven which is great or so I thought! I've been trying to get to grips with the new cake oven for the past few weeks. After making 5 Victoria Sandwiches which I can do in my sleep, I have finally admitted defeat, the new oven seems to be running at scorching temps, to the point that I had to buy an oven thermometer because I've cremated 3 of the Victoria sandwiches! After putting the thermometer in I've discovered that my oven is running at 30 degrees higher than what I'm putting it on at hence the burnt cakes. I've even been trying different settings to see if that helps but it doesn't. I was lucky with Han's cake as I managed to keep a low temp and I did the same with Jean's cake too but I'm getting to the point now where I want to throw it through the window. And now to add insult to injury the top grill oven on my normal oven is shutting off when I'm cooking! I made steaks last weeks and it shut itself off for a few minutes and then turned back on, we actually thought that the oven had got to an optimum temp and decided to shut off, so I made steaks again this week and then after 5 mins this week it decided to shut off for a few minutes and then re boot itself. To say they are doing my head in is an understatement as every time I make a meal or a cake I'm wondering if they are going to work! John said he's going to do an email for me to get them sorted.

Sheesh, I want a bit of Bill's quiet life for a change. :p
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Good grief Angie and I thought I had problems, I'd definitely be onto the manufacturer about those ovens it is not right and needs sorting out ASAP.

As for my problems here's the next chapter.

I phoned the installers on Friday asking for the office manager but was told she wasn't in so I left it till today. Left it till mid day, phoned and was told the office manager wasn't in she'd be back tomorrow could they help.

I just gave a brief outline about the electrician and wanted to know when the plumber would be round. Had to wait for a bit while she got onto the one who does the appointments, she came back asking if I could wait as the person was on another line, I said yes and after a short wait she came back and told me the plumber would be round tomorrow afternoon to sort it. Oh and I'd remember another thing, when they put the new boiler in they'd fitted a magnet thing on the pipes above the boiler, it apparently catches all the bits that are in the pipes and water that can clog them up, when the engineer had come to service the boiler he asked for the tool that was needed to unfasten it, I asked if it was something I should have and he said yes as it was a special tool needed to open the magnet thing so it could be emptied and cleaned during the service, of course something else the fitter had failed to do was leave me that tool.

Mentioned that today and she said they'd have to send for one of those but tell Gareth when he comes tomorrow so he can let her know the model etc. then she can order the correct one.

Thought ok I'd phone the electrical company and give them a heads up about the plumber coming tomorrow so they could get someone here as soon as he'd been, hopefully.

I'm not saying it will happen but I'm hoping by the end of the week everything will be sorted and I'll have a fully working heating system, well apart from waiting for the tool needed for the magnet unit.

I want some of that quiet life as well. :scream:
Chances are the oven temp can be adjusted. Our techs carry the Infrared thermometers. Just point at a couple of places and get accurate temps. A Guy
You'd think that would all be sorted out before leaving the factory wouldn't you Bill. I despair of the shoddy workmanship about these days. :angry:
@Bill, I've never heard of them but apparently Amazon sell lots of them so I've ordered one of these Infrared Thermometer! :cool: They look cool! I actually received another oven thermometer today so that I can make sure the one I'm using is giving an accurate reading. My new infrared thermometer will be here tomorrow.. whoop whoop! I shall let you know how I get on with it.

Oh Joan, seriously, this is like a bad comedy now, they should give you a job sheet at the beginning so you know what you need/have and tick off all the items then when everything is done properly. Does anybody know what they are doing anymore? I shudder these days with the lack of customer service and helpfulness from Companies. I do hope the part arrives, you stay warm and you finally get heating for the weekend. Tell them if they don't sort it out they can start paying you for your time trying to sort their faff out!

As for us we are still looking for the "missing" coat! This is another of our latest sagas, Han left it in the school canteen last week and when she went back for it, it wasn't there. She has spoken to all the relevant teachers/school persons who have been doing their utmost to help her locate it but I'm now thinking that after a week, we ain't going to see it again. :crys: The bad thing is it's my winter coat, I lent it to her so that she could keep warm as it was longer than the school coat we had bought for her so now I'm left without a coat and to add insult to injury the coat has now doubled in price on the net so if I want to replace it, it will now cost me £200 for a new one! :(
I was going to suggest John might be talked into a infrared thermometer as he likes gadgets :) Interested to see what your oven reads. You can see how accurate your fridge/freezer is as well.

I think what happens a lot, is people get used to baking at a certain time/temperature. When they get a new oven, they bake the same way and it under cooks, over cooks. Their old over may have been too hot/too cool/ correct, but they learned to cook with it. The new oven may also be too hot/ too cool/ perfect...but it's different than the old one.

The same is true of microwaves. My microwave was manufactured July 1989. It's 28 years old! I know one day it will just die, but I don't replace it now because I'm used to cooking with it. A new one will be more powerful, cook faster, etc. But I'll have to relearn (old dog :) ).

A Guy
Lol! We love gadgets! :wink:

I tried it on a lot of my kitchen products last night, although I'm a bit sad it cannot read the temp through the oven door. :oops: Anyway I checked it on my normal kitchen oven and it read the correct temp as to the one I had set it at. I never had any problems with my last Bosch oven but not only are these both new they are also made by a different manufacturer than I'm used to and the setting on the dial states 170°C and then jumps to 200°C on my cake oven and then on my normal oven it goes from 170°C to 210°C with no markers so you have to roughly guess where to set the dial and hope for the temperature. Had I have noticed this when purchasing I never would have bought them, the real insult is that when I put my cake oven on 130°C it is actually 170°C inside when baking using the fan assist function so currently it is anybodies guess as to what I'm baking on.

Oven 2.jpg

Oven 1.jpg

To make matters worse my dishwasher is now leaving residue all over my plates and that has been on 3 times today to try and sort it! My ovens and dishwasher are all made by the same company and currently I'm not impressed. :(

You stick with your old school micro....they don't make them like they used to. :p
Don't like the settings on those ovens much, as you said they don't show where to put the dial very well and there's not much room between settings to try and work out the correct one there's such a jump between.
These are the settings on my cooker, not sure if you can see them properly.


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They have a 360 degrees to put the numbers, and the cram them together on the bottom 180...not too bright. A Guy
I know I agree Bill, all that space and they scrimp on the number space, to be honest I've never seen an oven like this, I always assumed that it would separate and increase in increments of 5 but obviously these ones don't. I cannot see the dials on your ovens Joan and I can't even get in to edit the picture lol!

Today we are having Sky fixed as it keeps crashing all the time and we went out this morning to do Remembrance Sunday, Han marched in the parade and I walked along side, it has been a lovely day but very chilly.....especially with no coat. :( We did have a few cyclists pass the cenotaph when we were all queued up, one was respectful and got off his bike and walked past whilst the others just cycled through, we even had a guy at one point trying to get past in his car but I think he thought better of it and after having a word with the local police lady he reversed back and went on his way.

Here's Han with her flag, it's not the greatest picture but it was seriously windy so we had to hurry up!

Remembrance Sunday-001.jpg
The same here, a biting wind. Kelly's hubby was disappointed this year, he's been in the parade with the Coastguards every year since he joined but this year he had to work so couldn't go.

I'll see if I can sort that photo out and send it again for you.
Yes see that's what ovens are supposed to look like, your oven goes up in increments of 10 which is just how I like it. The engineer is currently here advising us on the problems we are having with the ovens. Apparently the new grill we have has to have the door shut when in use as does all new oven/grills so he tells John. My cake oven is also running high so he is going to sort the thermostat out for me.

I'm not convinced on shutting the grill door on my normal oven as that effectively then becomes an oven and accordingly to the instructions you're supposed to have it on top whack when grilling. He says all the front knobs will melt if I continually have the door open. He also said it isn't a grill and that it is in fact an oven but my point is if it has a setting for a grill and it has elements like a grill then to me it's a grill with dual oven function. I also asked him why it has black marks on it so quickly and if he had any suggestions on how to clean it thoroughly, his response was elbow grease! Seriously my Bosch oven after 7 years was immaculate so much so you could eat your dinner off it, this one doesn't work properly and is an utter bag of sh......:dizzy:

On a happier saga note the infamous coat returned this week, whoop, whoop! Some older Year 9 children brought it to Han on Tuesday so I'm very happy. I had ordered a long interim cheaper coat so I've now given that to Han.

That's a shame that Kelly's hubby couldn't do the parade, I remember you saying that he usually gets involved.

So how's the boiler?
Shush! I believe it's all sorted. Harry the electrician who installed the new controls phoned me yesterday and we went through a few tests and he said it might be a faulty programmer and he was going to phone the office and get them to send someone out.

They phoned me later to say someone would be with me this morning between 8 and 10. Just after 8 a van pulled up and Harry came to the door, he checked the controls did some testing with his instruments and said it was a cross connection fault. The plumber made a wrong connection when he finished off the wiring after changing the valve. Harry put it all right and so far it all seems to be working properly, phew at last. :lmao:

Don't know that I'd agree with that engineer about keeping the door shut when using the grill Angie. In the book that came with my oven, it's an Indesit, you are supposed to keep the door open when grilling. I know it doubles as the top oven, the control for it is at the side of those oven ones, it's a split grill half or full. In all the double oven cookers I've had it's been the same, leave it open.

Although if you watch some cook shows, like James Martin in his shows, he's putting things in to grill and shutting the door on his oven so I don't know :dizzy:
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