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Today...what have you been up to? [4] (5 Viewers)

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Just been standing on my kitchen doorstep watching the Badgers, there was obviously an outsider trying to muscle in on the biscuits as one kept trying to get its mouth into the dish and the other one was pushing him away and a couple of times they had a real set too. When they saw us looking one ran off but the other went back to eating so he was obviously the usual one as he's used to us and doesn't bother when we open the door and talk to him.

I know what you mean about being busy but not seeming to get anywhere I just thought it was me slowing down more. :lmao: Not heard anything about a David Attenborough Christmas jumper, I'm not knitting any this year so Kelly and family will have to make do with the ones I've already done them.
I've never seen a real-life Badger, John says they are much bigger than you think they are. Is there any animal you guys don't feed or is it the more the merrier? The Deers came back the other day to feed on the garden but I haven't seen them since.

I'm currently still fighting the aches and pains of my ear teeth and face and the weather has seriously dropped temp over the past few days so we seem to gearing up for winter. However, I'm thinking that can only mean the hot weather will be back again shortly and we shall be blowing hot and cold again for a while. Shorts at the ready! :cool:
We're not lucky enough to get Deers round here as it's just coastal farmland around us. I'll send a couple of the photos I have of the badgers outside my door. I'll have to resize them before I can send them though or they'll be the wrong way round.

Not long had a visit from the nurse to put me onto a cardiac reading machine as I can't get into the surgery she brought the portable one, I showed my surprise when she got the laptop out she had to use, it was running XP, :scream: it was a Dell. She said of course others use it and so had not made sure it was charged, she had to put the mains cable in, after I found the connection hole for it. I now have to wait until the charts been looked at to see what happens next.

Johns just taken Sooty to the vet, the last few days he's been sick a lot, he's been drinking more water than usual as well, he's 15½. Mind you he has slowed down a lot now and is a lot more mellow, in fact when the nurse was here because I had to lay down flat we used the bed and he was at the side of me all the time whereas usually if a stranger comes he disappears. :D
This is one photo I've got of the badger, I'll post the one with a couple of them when I find it.

Again, I am boring...

A Guy

Lol, Aww bless you, there's nothing wrong with having a quiet life, in fact, some people may want that. Joan, on the other hand, likes living in the fast lane. She has the most adventures out of all three of us!

Not long had a visit from the nurse to put me onto a cardiac reading machine as I can't get into the surgery she brought the portable one, I showed my surprise when she got the laptop out she had to use, it was running XP, :scream: it was a Dell. She said of course others use it and so had not made sure it was charged, she had to put the mains cable in, after I found the connection hole for it. I now have to wait until the charts been looked at to see what happens next.

Crikey, are you living on the edge again and being plugged into the mains, what's going on? :lmao: I'm surprised you didn't upgrade her system for her. XP, blimey, who uses XP anymore! :dizzy: Are you doing okay?

See Bill she's at it again and we've not even had a coffee yet! :lmao:

Aww that's nice that Sooty stayed with you. I hope he feels better soon.

Wow, brave lady, having the badger right near your back door, has it ever tried to venture in?
No he's not tried to get in, but he does come close and I'm standing right there in the doorway. The usual one is the big boar and he's quite used to us now and when we open the door to see him his just stops eating looks up and when he sees it's us goes back to eating, he couldn't care less, the smaller female is a bit more skittish and tends to run away when she sees you. We have had 4 around at one time, but it's usually just the 1 or 2.
I tell you what though you're brave, if that was outside my window I'd be bolting all the doors shut. 🙈 👀

Today I have realised that at the end of the week we are in December and I'm no way near finished on the Christmas shopping. Seriously I wouldn't mind but I thought about it all in September with high hopes of being sorted by then!

We're still on the hunt for a new tree so at this rate I'll be online buying 'til all hours and we'll be digging up a conifer out of the garden! :D
The only thing I've got to worry about for Christmas is putting the tree up, in fact as far as Kelly's family is concerned I don't have to worry till 2020 as I've paid for presents for them till then, that includes birthdays as well. Before you say it, it's Kelly who is the organised one when it comes to the kids presents from us, then she complains because she hasn't finished sorting out what she's getting them till the last minute. :lmao:
Ooh, seriously I need to borrow Kelly! :lmao:

I've had a week of doing loads but haven't got anything done other than the VAT on the new system! I've still not sorted my presents out and have no idea what I've bought or who actually has what and if I keep changing my mind on things one person is going to get about 5 pressies and no-one else will get anything! :eyeroll: It seems every time I try and get myself sorted something else happens and I end up doing something else.

Next week was supposed to be a quieter week but I've just been invited to a networking, client filled luncheon so I'll be hobnobbing next week with the ladies! :cool: So busy old me again! Hopefully, by Christmas, I'll be sorted. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Oh! I often get weeks like that, well days really, and I'm retired so it doesn't matter but I get so annoyed with myself, in my head I've got all these jobs I need to do and can do, then I try to move. :scream:

I expect when it comes to Christmas you'll have everything sorted out and everyone will get the presents they're supposed to get. :lmao:

Hark at you, ladies that lunch, :lmao: hope you enjoy yourself. :wink:
So what you're telling me is that it doesn't slow down any as I'm getting older then? :eyeroll::p

We put the tree up over the weekend, I say we, I mean me, Han went off to see the Ice Village in Manchester with Jean and then they went to the Christmas markets. She was a bit annoyed that I had put it up without her but as I tell her every year she only does 10 minutes and then gets fed up and leaves me to it so I just do it myself now.

She is liking all the extra Christmas bits and bobs I have going on though. This year I found my Solar powered dancing Santa and Reindeer so they're on the side. I also bought a tin reindeer which John doesn't like and he's next to my tall Santa which I love and Han hates. She likes the Reindeer though. I love them all. I've also got my Teddy Dog in a Present he's battery operated and sings a song so he's out, Han presses him every 5 minutes just to wind me up. So all good fun really! :lmao:
I've not touched any decorations yet, first job will be sorting out the cards that have to be posted, which aren't that many, I usually send out Jacquie Lawson cards but that's mainly because I don't have the actual addresses of people I'd send an actual card too.
Ha ha, yeah Bill you have it sussed, but no tree? Seriously, not even a token gesture!

Do you have one of those Angie? I got a musical Santa yesterday, it was a freebie because I bought some stuff from the site, it plays Christmas songs and it did move. His head moved about and his arms went up but then ground to a halt with a grinding noise, the music kept playing though. :lmao:
The arms are back in the original position but it will only play the tunes now, that's OK though. :D
This is the Santa I told you about, oh and I can't find my Christmas Avatar I'll have to dig out the DVD I have photos stored on as it seems to be missing from my machine.

I got a little fake tree the 1st couple of years after I moved out, but like Halloween candy, and real plants, I gave that up, lol

A Guy
I'll put a few of my decorations out but have decided I'll not be able to manage the tree this year, but as it's only me and John that's OK. :wink:
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