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Today...what have you been up to? (3 Viewers)

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Each to their own I guess. My nana used to knit us jumpers as kids and she did teach me enough so I could make a scarf many years ago. I managed to cast on a few months ago after watching a you tube video and laughed because I could still do it. Jean was also very much a seamstress in her day too. She ran a shop and made all the latest dresses many years ago, she still does a little sewing but doesn't really make many things anymore. She's great when I want stuff taking up though ans he used to alter Hans stuff too.

I'm not sure if Han will express an interest in it for that we shall wait and see.
Today Im using my Slow Cooker (so I can have a hot dinner when I get home from work (around 6:30am) and Im doing a Irish Coddle :)


4lb potatoes

1lb pork sausages

1lb thick-cut bacon

3 onions + any hard veg

A pint of water

1/2 tablespoon mixed herbs

Salt and pepper

To prepare

Peel your potatoes, quartering the big ones (small can be left whole)

Cook 1/2 potatoes and put in slow cooker (these cook down to make the base of the Coddle)

Chop everything not cooked and then add to slow cooker, the water should just cover the Ingredients.

You can add any spices you like :)
That sounds delicious Steph and I'm sure this time of year it will be very welcome after a night at work. :wink:
That sounds fab, I've just put the ingredients for Lamb Casserole together for tomorrow night's tea. I'll add the Lamb in the morning, I'm also using my slow cooker Steph, they are great this time of year and tea is done whatever time you require it. I'm sure it will warm you up at 6:30am.

Do you just dunk bread in it or do you have it with anything else? Looking at your ingredients I would add some Heinz beans to that. :D Mmmmmm!
After two days of prep, my cake didn't turn out quite the way I planned it and so after all my hard work, cracking and it all going to pot I finally gave in. :crys: Here's hoping tomorrow is a better day. :eyeroll: The lamb casserole was good though! :wink:
Oh dear sorry to hear you had a bad day with your cake. At least you had a good casserole to eat and I'm sure next time there'll be no problems with the cake.

I've knitted about 6" on the back of the first jumper, so glad I can sit down to knit or else I wouldn't have got anything done.

My tree is up so Willow can explore before I try to put the baubles on it, the little devil was climbing through it this morning. :eyeroll:
Hope you enjoyed your sleep Steph, I'm tired too. :sleep-039::sleep-039:

Hope the cat stays away from those baubles Joan and great job on starting the jumper, as for the cake, hmmm it was a bad day but I'm sure my next creation will be full of Christmas cheers rather than Christmas tears! Lol! See I do have off days although nobody believes me. :wink:

So are you guys all set for Christmas or do you still have stuff to do?
Nothing else to do here apart from cook Christmas dinner for me and John. Added the baubles and so far so good they're safe, needed to add the new bauble that will be part of the tradition added to the tree every year. A wooden disc from Cameron, Connor an Caia.
Oh dear you have just reminded me that I still having wrapping to do :plead:, thanks guys completely forgot about that. Been a busy bee again making some more Christmas Cakes today. I will be decorating them tomorrow so hopefully this tiime they will turn out much better than the last. :p
I'm sure your cakes will be great Angie.

A couple of days ago, the 20th, I ordered another Portable 2.5 External Hard Drive, 1TB capacity. I was given delivery dates of 29th to 31st, a courier turned up today with my drive. It was funny I looked at it and thought I'm not expecting anything and John said he hadn't ordered anything, when I opened it I was really surprised and very pleased. First thing I did after registering it was to do an image with Macrium.

Also just done an upgrade to Sky so I can get a free Sky+HD box, only got the normal Sky+ box at present. All I need to do now is save up and get a new telly, we've only got the old CRT 28" Toshiba which is years old so even getting a new box we wont be able to get full advantage of it on the current telly.
Thought we'd take advantage of getting a free box while we could and worry about a new telly later. :eyeroll:
The cakes are fine I decided not to decorate them. Lol! :wink:

Great stuff on getting your early delivery and your upgrade I'm sure the TV can wait if you're lucky you may be able to get a good deal on the January sales.
Just hope I can manage to set it up, although they did say it's just a matter of swopping the cables from the old to the new. :eyeroll:

That includes the video recorder, DVD player and the new Sky box. Been thinking I should get a TV with built in DVD player I think we'll probably want to get a 40", the new box has built in Wi-Fi.
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