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Today...what have you been up to? (1 Viewer)

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Had a quick visit from the grandchildren this afternoon, of course Caia was asleep the whole time. The first thing Connor asked was did I know he was 5 and what had I bought him for his birthday. :D

Cameron just wanted to show me his new front teeth growing back. :D

They'd brought round Caia's first official photo for me, just got to get a frame now so it can hang in-between the ones of her brothers taken about the same age.

Kids you gotta love them, straight to the point and no nonsense talking, they are funny. That's a lovely picture of Caia and aww bless Cameron may get his two front teeth just in time for Christmas. :wink:

I bet the visit cheered you up no end.

Busy weekend for me, lots of prepping for tomorrow's workshop. :D
You're right Angie it cheered me up no end. :D They both disappeared into the kitchen then to see John and ask for biscuits and milk, well Cameron did and wanted the same for his brother, then told John he was going to see his sister. :D

Didn't get a cuddle as she was asleep and they didn't stay long but it was still a nice surprise.

Hope your workshop goes well, although they always seem to by the write ups you do. :wink:
Aww I am glad, that's funny that they toddled off to the kitchen to get some goodies off Grandad. It's a shame about the cuddles but I'm sure you didn't mind.

Thanks Joan, been a busy bee with the prepping today and am now officially ready for tonight.

Christmas Part 1 here we come! :wink:
Busy busy busy busy! Although today I managed to meet up with my friend Emma for a spot of lunch at Slatterys, chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate oh and maybe a sandwich too! :D
Glad to hear you've had a good day and managed to have a chocolate lunch. :p

I've had my hair cut today so look odd till I manage to wash it tomorrow, it's sticking up in places it shouldn't. Mind you it's a bit flat because I've not managed to wash it for a few days, but as my airways are a little better I should be able to manage it. :wink:
Oh yes, the Hot chocolate was heaven!

I am glad you seem to be feeling a little better and hope you manage to sort out the hair, I stand outside or do the school run and end up with bad hair I can never win. :eyeroll:

Today I would like to wish our American friends a very........

I will say having short hair does have it's advantages, if it does get blown about it doesn't have far to fall back into place, sometimes mine looks better when it's been blown about than when I've tried to tidy it myself. :p
I'm imagining Joan as a supermodel, hair blowing... :) Thanks for the Thanksgiving wishes Angie.

A Guy
Oh yes Bill, she's always on about her pins, now the hair, wow super models take note, Joan's got it going on! :wink:
That's what we're here for! Glad we make you laugh. Can't stop long I'm out the door in a mo to do my other Christmas workshop! I'm excited :dinesh:
Hope the workshop went OK Angie. Not doing much today, want to finish sewing up another cardigan for Caia and hope it fits her. It should do as I did the next size up from the first one and she's still wearing that, mind you Kelly said she'd been sorting out 6 to 9 months stuff ready and she didn't have a lot of that size for her.
The workshop was fabulous thanks Joan, a great finish to the year and the ladies loved it that much they have booked on the new year ones too. :D

Aww yes I'd forgotten you would be making baby cardigans for Caia, how sweet, I love those ones, you must post a pic. I remember years ago when they just used to do them in lemon, green and white. Knitted cardies were the best but there is no one I know who knits now. My Nana did when I was a kid but she gave it up years ago. Han didn't have any, she just had shop bought ones.
These are the cardigans I've done for her so far, I've just cast on another one in purple. I also did some mittens, hat and bootees a shawl and blanket, although the blanket was a crochet one.

Lol! I shall get John on the case. I absolutely adore the purple one especially the ladybird buttons they are so cute, you're extremely talented Joan. :thumbs:
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