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  1. Angie

    5 Alternative baking ingredients other than Eggs.

    Due to various reasons, many people cannot tolerate eggs in their baked goods. Therefore if you find yourself in this quandary, here are a few alternative ingredients you can use instead. Ingredients that can be substituted for an egg(s) in baking:- Apple Sauce You can use apple sauce to...
  2. S

    Baking with Caramel

    So I made a nice salted caramel sauce which I used to make cupcakes. I made a vanilla cake mix and I wanted to do a marble effect with the caramel however when they finished baking, the caramel sunk to the bottom making the bottom of the cupcake all mushy. Although still tasted good, it was...
  3. Angie

    Baking Flavour Combinations - Pt 2

    Adding multiple flavours or a mixture of ingredients into cakes and bakes can create something magnificent, so with that in mind and carrying on from my recent post relating to flavour combinations, here are a few more for you to look at. The lists below are there to help you work out what...
  4. Angie

    Baking Flavour Combinations

    If you're looking at making some flavoursome bakes or want to upgrade some of your old recipes, then why not check out some of these flavour combinations? If you're looking for summer vibes, then any citrus fruit will give you that tangy zingy flavour that you have been looking for. Lime and...
  5. Angie

    What does scaling in baking mean?

    What does scaling mean? Scaling in baking is when you increase or decrease a recipe to produce a different sized version of what you wish to make. Can a recipe be scaled up or down? Yes. Some recipes can be scaled up or down. What does scaling ingredients mean? Scaling ingredients is when...
  6. clerahi

    New here... Hello from Worcestershire, UK

    Hi everyone, Just joined the community, my name is Mike, I'm 59 and live in Worcestershire, UK. I'm a reasonable home cook in every area except baking and pastry, where I'm a complete beginner. In fact I wouldn't say I'm even that... The most I've done is gingerbread men at Christmas, a...
  7. Angie

    The Royal Bake Off

    It's coming to that time of year again, and the Royals have not only been showing their support but also their impressive baking skills towards this year's #PoppyAppeal. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge along with their children Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis have kindly...
  8. Angie

    How baking helps with anxiety, mental health and wellbeing.

    Hi lovelies, in light of the current pandemic, I thought it might be wise to put down some positive facts about mental health and baking. To be honest, I was hoping to avoid the subject altogether and lived in the hope that we would get back to some sort of normality much quicker. However, it...
  9. F

    Hello bakers

    I just want to say hi, I am new to baking and am thoroughly enjoying every minute of it. I have been suffering with anxiety and depression for 3 years this year, it been an extremely challenging at times with more downs than ups. Over the last 3 months me and my fella have binge watching Bake...
  10. Angie

    Sweet and Savoury Trends.

    There are a lot of new trends happening this year, whereby sweet meets savoury or vice versa. I'm usually a sweet treat kinda gal and can get my head around bacon with pancakes and maple syrup; however, I don't think that even I would be able to push to a Luther Burger! Now for those of you...
  11. Angie

    Cling Film/Saran Wrap Tip

    Yep, we've all done it, yes you know that fight with the cling film when you can't find the edge of it, or it's ravelled itself around the tube, and you spend ages picking at it or in the end, you get a sheet of it, and you have to waft it about, so it doesn't wrinkle! Well, my lovelies, have...
  12. Wiljenpake

    What did I do wrong?? Oven problems.

    Does anybody have any advice on the attached? Using a new oven and set temperature to 180 degrees for a fan oven and cooked for 20 minutes. Have never seen such a weird lot of cakes. Any suggestions as to what has happened? Thanks
  13. Angie

    What is the best kind of chocolate to use when baking?

    The best types of chocolate to use when baking. If you want the best results in both taste and texture, then you need to be buying the best quality white, milk or dark chocolate you can afford. If you require dark chocolate, then look to find one with at least a 60-70% cocoa solid percentage...
  14. Angie

    Baking Hygiene and Safety

    Baking hygiene and safety is imperative for both the baker and the consumer and should be considered at all times. If you're a young baker then always ensure you have an adult on hand to help you out as there are lots of potential hazards which can occur in the kitchen. Now I'm not telling...
  15. Angie

    Why do we use salt in baking?

    Why do we use Salt in baking? Even though I'm not a great lover of salt, it is an essential factor in baking and assists in the creation of wonderfully baked goods both visibly and tastefully. (If that's even a word)! You may only be asked to add a dash or a sprinkle of it to a recipe but...
  16. Angie

    UK or US Baking Ingredients and Alternatives

    If you find yourself looking at a recipe and you're not quite sure what the UK or US equivalent is then please find listed below a good helping of ingredients, utensils and products on both sides of the pond for each of you. UK Ingredients US Ingredients Baking Tray Baking Sheet...
  17. Angie

    What is a skewer?

    A skewer is a metal, plastic or wooden stick that is used for a variety of things when baking or cooking. A metal skewer is pointed at one end and has a handle or a rounded-off end at the other which enables you to hold it. These are inserted into a baking cake to see if the middle has...
  18. Twitter Questions

    @Teresa Z - Sweet Breads Falling when baking

    What is the reason sweet breads fall when baking?
  19. Angie

    National Cream Tea Day 24th June 2016

    Well after a very successful day last year we are going to continue with tradition and have another National Cream Tea Day this year! Whoop whoop! :D The event is to be hosted on Friday 24th June 2016 and should contain all things typically British with lots of scones, jam and of course that...
  20. Angie

    Frequently asked baking questions. Part II

    Here are a few more frequently asked baking questions... How do I tell if my cake has fully baked? There are a few ways to test if a cake has baked fully firstly; for a sponge cake, you can press the top with your finger; if it springs back, that is usually a good indication that it has...