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News, Events and TV related to Cakes and Baking
Entwined Cats on a Branch demo by Judith - BSG
We originally planned to have a different demo with Marilyn this month; however, due to unforeseen weather and circumstances, she was unable to attend. So, instead of cancelling the meeting, Judith graciously stepped in and taught us how to create the "Cats Entwined on a Branch" design. We have seen this demonstration before; however, this time, we had the opportunity to participate and make our own versions of the creation. Judith gave us step-by-step instructions and guided us through each stage to help recreate the design. The Saracino paste we used came in very handy, allowing us to make some of the intricate details much easier. I'm pretty happy with the way mine turned out, even though they ended up looking more like...
Christmas Demos by Pam, Gillian, Lynda & Angela - BSG
I know it isn't quite Christmas yet, but we were ahead of schedule at this month's meeting and gearing up for the festivities. I always enjoy the mini-demos that happen at the meetings because they allow you to see people's skill set, garner inspiration, and get one-to-one guidance on how to make a variety of festive Christmas toppers. This month, Gillian, Lynda, Pam and I led the demonstrations. Yes, you did read that correctly! I did say me. The ladies have been encouraging me for a while to dip my toe back in the water, and it was wonderful to demonstrate again after such a long time, especially in a warm, friendly, supportive environment. Pam made this friendly, upstanding Choir Boy. Gillian and Lynda made these adorable Elf...
Mummy Zombie Cauldron by Nicola - BSG
We thoroughly enjoyed this month's meeting led by Nicola because it combined two of our favourite things: Halloween fun and some delicious treats! To pay homage to the Halloween season, Nicola demonstrated how to create a cauldron topped with a spooky Mummy Zombie all edible, of course. The base of our creations was a Chocolate Orange, and the spooky decorations were all crafted from icing. Nicola shared plenty of design ideas and inspiration throughout the demo, which sparked our creativity, and everyone added their own personal touches to their individual designs. Christine transformed her cauldron feet into black panther claws while I opted for a twist, shaping mine to resemble the base of a roll-top bath. Others added creepy...
BSG Sugarcraft North Events - 2024/2025
I've been informed that the lovelies from the BSG North are hosting quite a few more events over this year and next, so I thought I would give you a little insight into what's coming up and where the events will be held. If you've ever attended any of the meetings, you'll know that the ladies who run them have a wealth of experience, a passion for imparting their wisdom and can give you lots of hints and tips along the way. So, if this interests you, be sure to check out the upcoming events. For full details, to register your interest, or to sign up, please visit: Sugarcraft North Here are the upcoming events. BSG England North Online Demonstrations: 2024/2025 Faux Food - Jacqui Kelly - 3 October 2024 Sugar Flowers - Vasantha...
BSG Summer Meeting
This month's meeting was relatively informal. It began with discussions of the upcoming events over the coming months and then we got a detailed account of the ladies' submissions in the recent shows and how they faired. Nicola made this fabulous Blackpool Tower, Christine handmade Hilda Ogden from Coronation Street, and Mo made a work of art with all her hand-painted buildings and satellite atop of her cake. It's no surprise then that their talents didn't go unnoticed as Christine earned a Bronze for her competition entry, while Nicola took home the Gold! Many congratulations, ladies, on your incredible skills and dedication to your craft. Your hard work paid off, and you were recognised for it! If you are interested in cake...
BSG - Branch Mini Dems
This month's BSG branch meeting was all about the mini dems' whoop whoop. As I've said before, this is one of my favourite meetings, as we learn many different skills and techniques in one go. The great thing is all the demonstrators have individual skill sets, so there's always something to learn or discover. Each topper is a shape, so once you've got that down, the rest of the piece is down to personal touches. Nicola made this fabulous Kawaii-themed Bacon on Toast with tomato ketchup. This fun and friendly design would be a hit with multiple generations and foodies and isn't that time-consuming either. Nicola showed us how each piece was made and how to enhance and texture each one. The additional splodges of ketchup make it for...
Mr Potato Head Creme Egg by Judith - BSG
It was demo time at this month's BSG meeting, and I was thrilled to discover that this time, Judith had landed on making Mr Potato Head. Not only is he made from delectable chocolatey goodness, but he's immensely cute, too, so much so I couldn't even begin to devour him after we made him. This was Judith's version of Mr Potato Head, and after a step-by-step demo, we were tasked to make our own. It was a very fun meeting, catching up with the ladies and learning a few new skills! Especially the shoe laces, I opted for velcro straps in the demo (lol) but pushed myself a little and ended up with some shoe laces in the end. Unlike Hannah, who made her own laces with bows but then went rogue and made an alien topper, and then Nicola, who...
Hanky Fairy with Mo - BSG
As a lovely start to the New Year, we were given a demonstration on how to make this Hanky Fairy by Mo. Mo's inspiration was taken from the Handkerchief Fairy cards that are currently on the market, and she tweaked them into edible 2D & 3D creations, as shown on the above cake. The skirt of the topper is a play on the hanky design on the below cards. We watched as she demonstrated how to make the fairy step by step and gave us alternatives of how to make patterns and how to adapt the fairy to our own tastes. It was an enjoyable way to start the year, and more techniques were mastered on the day. I was even lucky enough to take the Fairy home. Angelica now takes pride of place on my side. Mo was a brilliant instructor, sharing...
Christmas Gonks with Mo - BSG
It was great to be back at the BSG meeting, seeing as we've had to miss a few lately. Christmas is one of my favourites, as we have a buffet, a Christmas demo and an abundance of creativity! During the workshop, Mo taught us how to make these irresistibly charming gonks; although she refers to them as gnomes, we still like to call them "gonks." What makes them so delightful is their timeless appeal and the fact that they can be adapted to any season, event or theme. Even a simple addition of plaits/braids transforms them into adorable female versions. Crafted from Walnut Whips, these gonks double as delightful edible decorations and are a perfect Christmas cake topper or easily placed on a small cake board to give as a gift. Here...
BSG Wonderful Witch Workshop - Harrogate
I've recently been informed about an exciting upcoming workshop taking place on Sunday, 19 November 2023, by Robert Whitten. Robert is a highly talented and captivating member from the North East and will be demonstrating how to create a stunning witch (similar to the attached photos below). Luckily for you, there are still places on the event, so hurry before they all go. Everyone is welcome so if you fancy an afternoon of creativity, please find full details below. Date: Sunday, 19 November 2023 Event: BSG - Wonderful Witch Workshop Time: 10 am – 4 pm Venue: Pannal Village Hall, Station Road, Pannal, Harrogate, HG3 1JG Cost: £48 for BSG Members - £60 for Non-Members - Refreshments will be provided...
GBBO is finally back!!!!
Roll up, roll up, exciting news here folks! The release date for the upcoming season of our beloved GBBO has finally been announced. Following a highly anticipated wait, cryptic adverts and scouring the web to discover more. It has now officially been confirmed the Great British Bake Off will be back on our screens next Tuesday, 26 September at 8 pm. Whoop, whoop! But there's more exciting news to share! With Matt Lucas departing the show, he has now made way for the lovely and hilarious Alison Hammond to join Noel, Paul, and, of course, the delightful Prue inside the tent. Filled with shenanigans, mishaps, epic bake fails and more, we can't wait to see what's in store with this year's contestants. Here's an overview: Abbi -...
Fairy Model with Lisa Courtney-Rigby - BSG
As the summer break has finally come to an end, we have now resumed our BSG meetings. During this month's meeting, we had the privilege of enjoying a delightful fairy model presentation by the exceptionally talented Lisa Courtney-Rigby. Lisa has a diverse range of skills and talents, including contributions to Saracino, her creations for Cake International and her numerous magazine features, which all keep her in high demand. We were lucky enough to see her in action, thanks to Nicola and Judith, and in all fairness, she was amazing! Not only did she walk us through the fairy model step by step; but she also shared hints and tips throughout the process. I found that learning from Lisa has inspired me and given me the tools and...

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