
  1. Angie

    What is a Scallop or smiling tool used for

    This scallop tool is great for creating effects whilst making models. It can be used to create a smile on an animal or person. However, in the event you do not have one of these then you could use the tip of a drinking straw or a perhaps a small teaspoon to create the same effect.
  2. Angie

    Wilton Tool Kit and their uses

    Here is a set of Wilton Tools and their uses. They are listed in the order they are shown in the box. Palette Knife Can be used to aid lifting delicate items such as petals, flowers and assist in placement on your cake. It will also assist you in removing icing that has stuck to a surface...
  3. Angie

    PME Design Wheel

    This tool is used for modelling and adding effects to your icing/fondant. It has three interchangeable wheels that create quilting, stitching, zig-zag designs etc. Please see my Lemon Flower Cupcakes for some effects.
  4. Angie

    Tips on how to make a Great Bundt Cake

    A bundt cake is a cake that is baked in a bundt tin which has a distinctive ridged ring. They are generally used across North America and 'Bundt' is the name of the tin. 1. For best results ensure that your Bundt tin is greased properly either using cake release or butter. 2. Lightly coat...
  5. Angie

    Circle cutters and their uses.

    Circle cutters have multiple uses and can be used for cutting pastry, cake icing or scone shapes. These are a must-have in any baking kitchen.