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swiss roll

  1. Angie

    How to prevent cracks or cracking when rolling a swiss roll.

    If you lightly brush your swiss roll sponge with stock syrup before you roll it, it will moisten the cake and prevent cracks from forming when rolling up. https://www.helpmebake.com/threads/stock-syrup-recipe-and-guide.403/ Picture courtesy of our lovely member Kari and his Swiss Roll Recipe...
  2. Kari

    Kari's Swiss Roll

    Sorry, this is a man's recipe, no exact measures ;). Mix a coffee mug of each, flour, sugar and eggs (about 4 or 5) Add a teaspoon of vanilla sugar, another teaspoon of baking soda Pour into a baking tray with baking paper on, max 1 centimetre thick Put in oven, our fan-assisted oven needed...