
  1. Joan

    Happy Pancake Day!

    I love pancakes, with lemon and sugar, if I've not made my own I've used, I think it's called Betty Crocker, mix that is in a container that you just add water too and shake well. The only problem with that is you don't get many pancakes from it, only about 6. :(
  2. Angie

    Happy Pancake Day!

    Yes, that's right; it's Shrove Tuesday so Happy Pancake Day people! In light of it being Pancake Celebrations today, we have been having a little fun with them. This morning I made Hannah pancakes for breakfast, well I say made, she had her American style pancakes that the lovely people at...
  3. Angie

    Pancake Recipe and Guide

    Here are your recipe and guide on how to make beautiful pancakes on this Shrove Tuesday. Ingredients: 100 grams of Plain Flour 1 Pinch of Salt 3 Medium Eggs 100ml Water 100ml Milk Oil for Pan. Equipment: Mixing Bowl Electric Whisk or Food Processor Jug Frying Pan Method: 1 These pancakes...