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Sea Creature Cupcake Class Evening - Student Creations (1 Viewer)

Sea Creature Cupcakes - Student Creations

We had our Sea Creature workshop this week in this excessive heat :hot: I love the heat, but icing doesn't luckily we didn't melt, well not far off anyway and although they were fewer numbers this time due to others commitments we still had a great time.

So with the fan blowing full blast and the willingness to learn, we cracked on with the sea creatures workshop. :D

I started off by demonstrating how to make the crab, octopus and then the shell designs, I was then instructed by the ladies to get on with the brew making duties, so they could stay hydrated whilst being creative. Lol!:wink:

After brewing up, I then continued with the lesson and showed the ladies how to recreate the shark fin and water/bubble design, the turtle and last of all the starfish with air bubbles. We even managed to use the dye this time and not get it everywhere!

Everybody had great fun and relaxing time; furthermore, they added their own twist to my designs and created lots of fun novelty cupcakes to take away.

Here are my toppers and their designs:-


Sea Creatures.jpg

Students: -


Here are Louise's finished results, she has added reeds, sand completed her crab with super cool sunglasses adding humour to her design. Fantastic!


These are Carol's fabulous sea creature cupcakes; the water effect on the shark fin is fantastic.


These are Judith's cupcakes. I think my favourite one has to be the octopus as he has lots of definition and texture to his tentacles.


These are Sue's marvellous recreations; my favourite has got to be the super starfish with all his air bubbles; he makes me laugh when I look at him!

I would just like to say a quick thank you to the ladies for braving the heat to attend the workshop, we had great fun, and I look forward to our next workshop in September.

Enjoy your summer! :thumbs:

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