Here is a step by step tutorial showing you how to make Honeycomb Toffee. It may also be known as Cinder Toffee and is similar to Korean Dalgona Candy albeit we add Golden Syrup to this recipe whereas they just use the sugar and baking soda.
- 5 Tablespoons Golden Caster Sugar (Granulated may be substituted).
- 2 Tablespoons Golden Syrup
- 1 Teaspoon Bicarbonate of Soda
- Measuring Spoons or Table & Teaspoon
- Wooden spoon
- Pre-greased 7" Sandwich tin.
1. Pour the Sugar and Syrup into a small/medium-sized pan and place on a medium heat. (I used no 4 on my hob).
2. Allow the syrup and sugar to melt; if there is raw sugar on the top, shake the pan to allow the sugar to be absorbed into the mix.
DO NOT STIR. (Just remember James Bond...Shaken, not stirred!)

3. Bring the mix to a boil and then simmer for approx 4 minutes. The mix will be bubbling and going a golden brown colour. To test if ready, drop a blob of the sugar mix into some cold water; if it holds its shape and will roll into a shape, it is done.
4. This is the very quick bit. Remove from the heat, add the teaspoon of bicarbonate (I had pre scooped mine and left on the side ready) and mix in using a wooden spoon (the mix will froth and bubble); pour immediately into your sandwich tin (my tin was a little big) or on to parchment paper in small individual circles.
At this stage, if you are wanting to put stamps into the toffee, let it cool for about 15-20 seconds and then push your cookie cutters into the mix a few times. Be careful as the toffee may be a little sticky or hot so please take care.
5. Or once cooled, break using the bottom of a knife or a food hammer.
1. Blend in the food processor to make small pieces; this can be used to sprinkle on ice cream or cupcakes.2. Score the mix whilst still hot in order to break into squares and then dip in melted chocolate.
Store in a tin.