I've put together some hints and tips on making paint with Gold Lustre, and some do's, don'ts and possible outcomes when making edible paint.

What alcoholic products can I use to make edible paint?
- You can make edible paint using Vodka, Rejuvenator Spirit or Vanilla/Lemon Extract, as they are all alcohol-based.
- The lemon extract also contains oils that mix well with the dust, helping it flow/paint better.
- Please note that the Vanilla or Lemon Extract may leave a residual taste on your painted goods.
How to make the paint?
- Do it in stages; add small amounts of each substance if you can; if it's too thick, add alcohol; if too thin, add more lustre. Keep combining it until you reach the required consistency.

Tips and Advice when using the paint.
- When making edible paint, please put it in a pot because the longer you leave it, the more the alcohol evaporates, turning the lustre back to dust, which you can re-use.

- When painting with lustre, you may require a few coats, so apply the first coat and then let it dry (if using alcohol, it will dry very quickly as the alcohol evaporates). Then apply additional coats until you have the desired colour.
- Alcohol or Rejuvenator Spirit is probably the best thing to use.
- The higher the alcohol content, the better the quality of paint will be.
What can you use instead of alcohol?
- Lemon Juice - although this may give your creations a tinge of lemon when tasted.
- Edible oils such as vegetable oil, melted shortening, or cocoa butter.
- These are a few of the non-alcoholic alternatives; however, please note that some of the fat-based ones may slightly darken the dust colours when dried, so always test them first.
Notes/Things to look out for:
- Remember, if using oils, these may smudge or be a little greasy, so any excess may need dabbing when applying the paint to fondant.
- You can use Vanilla Essence, but it may still have a wet look about it even when dried.
- Don't mix lustre dust directly into buttercream, as it will just absorb.
- If you are using lustre dust on its own, makeup brushes are a great way of applying it to your cakes/bakes.
- If mixed with water, it can sometimes turn into a sticky mess or clump together.
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