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Gluten Free Pound Cake (1 Viewer)


New Member
Hi! I found this really cool looking pound cake, and I want to make it for my friend's birthday. The recipe I found says to simply use the Betty Crocker Pound Cake box mix. The thing is my friend has several diseases, which means he can't eat certain things, Gluten and Nightshade being some of them. So I'm looking for a gluten free pound cake recipe that will fit inside of a 6in by 6in by 2in pan. Thank you!
Thanks @Joan

Hi Rilliesbrns and welcome to the site.

That's incredibly thoughtful of you to make your friend a birthday cake. 😊

Important - As you mention, your friend has diseases/allergies; therefore it's imperative that you bake the cake from scratch and inform your friend of all the ingredients that you have used in the cake before giving it to them.

I often advise people who do this to make a favourite recipe of their 'friends' so that they know they will be able to eat all of your hard-earned efforts.

I do not have a gluten-free pound cake recipe; however, there is a gluten-free site by Audrey Roberts - she has lots of gluten-free recipes and a book so that may help you in your quest...
Welcome to the site Rilliesbrns, I hope you enjoy your stay with us.

Have you had a look through the various sub forums to see if Angie has a cake already listed that you could use?
It shouldn't be long before Angie sees your post and can give you the answer you need but do have a look around while you wait. :)
Thanks @Joan

Hi Rilliesbrns and welcome to the site.

That's incredibly thoughtful of you to make your friend a birthday cake. 😊

Important - As you mention, your friend has diseases/allergies; therefore it's imperative that you bake the cake from scratch and inform your friend of all the ingredients that you have used in the cake before giving it to them.

I often advise people who do this to make a favourite recipe of their 'friends' so that they know they will be able to eat all of your hard-earned efforts.

I do not have a gluten-free pound cake recipe; however, there is a gluten-free site by Audrey Roberts - she has lots of gluten-free recipes and a book so that may help you in your quest.

If you need anything further then please let me know.

Good luck with your cake and happy baking. 🍰
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