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Topsy turvy cake help - FB Question by Lindsey (1 Viewer)

Jan 26th, 9:56pm

I am planning on doing a winter ONEderland topsy turvy or mad hatters cake for my daughters first birthday. I have stacked cakes before but never cut and stacked. I was wondering if you could give me any advice. I was thinking maybe a pound cake? If I tilt the pans while baking will that work or will they not come out? I would still have to cut to get the wider top than bottom. Any help would be great!
Help Me Bake
Jan 27th, 4:39pm

Hi Lindsay, pound cake or a madeira cake would be a great cake to use as they are denser cakes and great for carving.

When you carve a cake ensure that it has been chilling in the fridge for at least 6 hours this is because the colder the cake the better the carve.

With regards to creating your topsy turvy cake there are different ways you can actually make your angles. Some people slice an angled section off the top off the cake, flip it round and use this to make the height and angle on their tier, you can then carve down the sides and then cut out an angled circle in the centre of the cake to house your next tier so to speak. There are other in depth options whereby you can calculate angles and sizes but that gets very mathematical about the whole process. I’m not sure which way you will angle your cake so I’ve managed to find a very quick simple vid on youtube by J Smith that can help you to see the shapes and angles needed to make your topsy turvy angles. This vid shows the first option I mentioned.

As you have stacked cakes before, I obviously do not need to mention about dowels to you. Hope this helps but if you need anything else then please let me know. Here is the vid link:
Last edited:
Jan 27th, 5:08pm

Thanks! I had actually watched that video. I don't plan on covering it with fondant and instead dividing the two icing covered layers with a cardboard base. I also plan on taking off the top layer and using as her smash cake. :D

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