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  1. Derek

    Hi Angie, thanks, I should check in more :o The place is looking great! :D

    Hi Angie, thanks, I should check in more :o The place is looking great! :D
  2. Derek

    New member welcome messages.

    Thank you Angie. :D Hi Michelle. :D
  3. Derek

    Thanks for the add Colin. :D

    Thanks for the add Colin. :D
  4. Derek

    Thanks for the friend request Angie. :D

    Thanks for the friend request Angie. :D
  5. Derek

    New member welcome messages.

    Hi Angie, Nice looking place you have here! :D I figured it's as good a time as any to try my hand at something besides microwave cuisine, looking forward to trying out one of the easier recipes first. Derek (derekimo at SF) Hi to all the other's as well. :cool: