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Baking Methods (1 Viewer)

Quick guides showing you the methods we use when baking.
What is the Muffin Method?
The muffin method is often used to make quick breads, some cakes and obviously, as the name suggests, muffins too! How do I use the Muffin Method? The Muffin Method is when you do the following process before baking: Method Mix all your wet ingredients together, including any melted butter, eggs, oil etc., into a bowl. Mix all the dry ingredients, i.e. sugar, salt, baking powder/soda (sifted), flour (sifted) etc., together in another bowl. Then make a 'well' in the middle of the dry ingredients bowl, and pour the wet ingredients into it. Very lightly fold them together using a spatula until the batter is moistened all over, it will still be lumpy, and it's supposed to be. Then bake immediately. If you lightly mix the wet with the...
What is the creaming method?
The creaming method is essentially blending butter and granulated or caster sugar together and then adding additional ingredients to your mix one at a time in stages. This is an excellent baking method as it allows you to methodically go through a recipe and create your cake in stages. 1. Firstly, and most importantly, you would cream together your butter and sugar; you would do this by using a wooden spoon, a hand whisk or a kitchen aid. By mixing the butter and sugar together, you create air pockets; these pockets of air become trapped when the butter surrounds the sugar crystals and creates natural aeration in your mix without using a raising agent. The more you whisk at this stage, the more air you trap, the lighter your...
What is the reverse creaming method?
In baking, there are two ways in which we can mix butter into a cake batter. The first is using the creaming method, and the second is by a technique known as the reverse creaming method. The creaming method is when you beat the butter and sugar together, whereas the reverse creaming method requires you to combine the (solid) butter with the dry ingredients instead. Reverse Creaming Method Combine the dry ingredients first, including the sugar in one bowl. Then mix the wet ingredients except for the butter in another bowl. Now slowly add the sliced butter (fats) to the dry ingredients and a little of the wet (liquid) ingredients. Then add the remainder of the liquids. Reverse Creaming Notes Ensure the butter is soft enough to...
What is the rubbing in method?
The 'rubbing in' method is where you mix fats (such as butter, margarine or trex/lard) into flour using the tips of your fingers. This technique is used for making scones, crumbles and shortcrust pastry. 1. Take the butter and flour from the bowl using your fingertips and lightly rub them together and sprinkle the ingredients back into the bowl. 2. The higher you sprinkle the ingredients, the more air you will incorporate into the mix. 3. Once you have thoroughly combined the two ingredients, it should then resemble breadcrumbs. Related Posts All In One Method Creaming Method Reverse Creaming Method Melting Method
What is the melting method?
The melting method is weighed out ingredients such as fats and sugars that are melted together in a saucepan (hence the name melting method), once melted or dissolved they are then mixed together with dry ingredients such as flours or oats etc. to make your required cake or bake. Recipes such as Ginger Cake or Flapjacks call for the melting method to be used. These general types of cakes or bakes are made from high quantities of treacle, golden syrup or honey etc. Always measure very carefully with these types of bakes as they can end up being dense or sink in the middle if wrongly measured. A good rule of thumb is always use warmed measuring spoons if you require tablespoons of ingredients as the liquid will roll off the spoon much...
Creaming Method and Curdling
If, when adding your eggs to your cake batter, you are noticing the batter is curdling, splitting or separating, don't panic; this is normal and may be caused by a few simple factors. Different temperatures of your ingredients may be the reason they're not binding together and doing the science part they are supposed to. Another reason may be that you are using lots of eggs in the mix, and you haven't added any flour yet. This happens a lot when making Fruit Cakes/Christmas cakes To be quite honest, it isn't a problem and will sort itself out when you bake the cake; however, if you are unhappy with the curdling effect, then just add a teaspoon of flour each time you add an egg to the mix. This will add a touch of dryness to your...
What is the all in one method?
The all in one method concerning cakes and cupcakes is, as the name suggests, you simply place all the ingredients into a bowl and mix them together all in one go. When making cupcakes or cakes using this method, a raising agent is usually included in the recipe; this is required to assist with the baking process and enables the cupcakes and cakes to rise. Once mixed, it will then look something like this. Creaming Method Reverse Creaming Method Melting Method Rubbing in Method

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